Final Calculator Design

<!DOCTYPE html>
<script type="text/javascript">var n1=prompt("Please key in a random number.","e.g.123");
var n2=prompt("Please key in a random number.","e.g.123");
var result=n1*n2;
Design a Calculator
is a dialogue box that user can key in values, and it will close until the user submit or cancel.
Basing on the rule, we separate the user behavior into steps, like:
input: prompt(default value or an example)
→ operate → output: alert(data)
For example, to create a simple calculator…
var n1=prompt("Please key in a random number." , "7");

var n2=prompt("Please key in a random number." , "7");

var result=n1*n2;
=> The result is 49.

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