To make the operators meaningful for users, let’s explain by examples
if statement
If the statement is true, the code inside of {} would be executed.
On the contrary, it would be ignored when it’s false.
var money=prompt("How much money would you like to withdraw?");
if(money>30000) {
alert("You've reached the withdraw money limit within a day.");

if else statement
Following the statement above, if the first statement is false, else {} would be executed.
var money=prompt("How much money would you like to withdraw?", "");
if(money>30000) {
alert("You've reached the withdraw money limit within a day.");
alert("Your money is preparing. Don't forget your ATM card.");

if else statement (multiple filters)
Following the 2nd statement, when we need more filters to execute the statements, that is, if both of the first statement and the former else if {} are false, the latter else if {} would be executed until the value complies with the string.
var n=prompt("How much money would you like to withdraw?", "");
if(n>500) {
}else if (n>300){
}else if (n>150){
}else {
var n1=prompt("Please key in a random number.","");
var n2=prompt("Please key in a random number.","");
var op=prompt("Please key in a math symbol: +, -, *, /",""); //op = operator
var result;
if(op=="+") {
}else if (op=="-"){
}else if (op=="*"){
}else if (op=="/"){
}else {
result="This operator does not comply with the rule.";
However, the number user keys in would be considered as a string, like “7” instead of purely 7, so if n1 is “7”, n2 is “7”, and the symbol is +, the result would be 77 instead of 14.

To change the data type, we have to transfer it from string to number by storing a function — Number — into the variable. (Not sure if it’s called function here? Please correct me if I’m wrong. Thank you.)
var n1=prompt("Please key in a random number.","");
var n2=prompt("Please key in a random number.","");
var op=prompt("Please key in a math symbol: +, -, *, /",""); //op = operator
var result;
if(op=="+") {
}else if (op=="-"){
}else if (op=="*"){
}else if (op=="/"){
}else {
result="This operator does not comply with the rule.";
Music of Today: 絕對 Absolutely by 張震嶽 ayal komod
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