What is the HTML DOM?
“The HTML DOM is a standard object model and programming interface for HTML. It defines:
- The HTML elements as objects
- The properties of all HTML elements
- The methods to access all HTML elements
- The events for all HTML elements
In other words: The HTML DOM is a standard for how to get, change, add, or delete HTML elements.”
by W3C School
Further intro: click here.

After we click the Lucky Draw button

The way I coded it:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>JS - HTML DOM</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
function LuckyDraw() {
var spanObj=window.document.getElementById("reward");
This syntax changes the content of an HTML element when it’s needed.
"window" can be omitted.
We name an id, reward, to revise the body easily.
spanObj is a tag Object. It is related with <span id="reward">pineapple cheese</span>.
spanObj.innerHTML="lemon"; //innerHTML is a property for us to easily modify the content of an HTML element.
spanObj.style.fontFamily="Arial"; //When CSS transfers to JS, the second word should be written in capital letter.
<body style="font-family:Arial">
Congratulations! You won a piece of <span id="reward">pineapple cheese</span> cake!
<button onclick="LuckyDraw();">Lucky Draw</button>